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Mercurius politicus, Number 580, 21st-28th July 1659 E.766[23]

assoon as the Peace between France and Spain is made. There
is a report of a Marriage between the Son of Don. Lewis de
Haro, and the Cardinals Neice, which were it so, would help
to secure a continuation of the Peace intended
From La Bassee, July 20. S. N.
Marshal Turein ariving the 5 of this month at Y-pre, departed
the next day towards Menene, where he was met
without the Town by the horse of the place drawn up in
Bataille within Musquet shot of the garison.
On the 7 he went to Oudenaerd where he found both horse
and foot likewise in very good order.
On the 8 he returned to Menene, where he drew forth two
of the horse Regiments, with order to goe and joyn with
the Troops which were encamped neere Landrecies, and then
he came hitherward, and arived here on the 9 being saluted
by all the great guns, and gallantly treated by the Count of
Broglio our governer.
On the 10 he took his way by Arras towards Grandcour,
where the Troops commanded by the Marquis of Crequi
were drawn up in Bataille; and from thence he took his way
by Peronne, to return to Court, to give his Majesty an account
of the State of his new conquered garrisons in Flanders,
A Relation of the repulse given by the Swedes to the
Brandenburghers in their late attempt, as it was described
in the following copy of a Letter from Rix-Admiral Charls
Gustave Wrangel to his Highness the Palsgrave of Sutzbach,
datep at Middlefort.
Illustrious Prince,
YEsterday morning about six of the clock the enemies
ships, which hitherto rode near to the Camp of the
Brandenburghers, having the night afore taken in many of
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