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Mercurius politicus, Number 580, 21st-28th July 1659 E.766[23]

whose Forces are come to the Memmel, where they lye entrenched:
3 Regiments of the Brandenburgers are gone that
way, to hinder the Swedes from comming over the Memmel
to this side. We are upon our Gunds in these parts and must
have a watchfull eye over the designe of the Austrian Forces,
which are drawn togeth[unr] in Silesia.
Two dayes agoe there arived at Stralsond 300 Danish soldiers
under Colonel Vicke, which were raised in Moen, and
300 more under Colonel Rose, raised in the Island Laland;
these relate, that Nascow stood out still, and there was then
no likelihood that it would be yeilded or taken by force, because
the Besieged could still feed their horses on pasture
ground without the Castle and City.
Westminster, Thursday, 21 July.
It is referred to the Council of State to take security of Major Harley, and
Mr. Philip Howard, for their appearance when they shall be required.
Resolved, That Major Harley be discharged of, and from all Commissions of
the Peace, Militia and other Commissions.
Resolved, That the House doth declare, that the reports published by Major
Harley are false and scandalous.
The Committee for the Forest of Dean is revived.
The House being informed, that the Sheriff and Justices of Peace of the
county of Middlesex we[unr] were [unr], and being come to
the Bar, the Sheriff said,
Mr. Speaker, We the Sheriff and Justices of [unr] of the County of Middlesex,
according to your order have repaired into the [unr] field [unr]se,
and have done the best we can, and to take information of the names of the
Ryoters, and to have them taken, and to prevent any such ryotous meeting for
the time to come; and said that they had brought an account in writing of
their proceedings there in, which [unr] and after, the Sheriff and Justices
were withdrawn, were read, and was entituled, The humble Certificate and
account of the Sheriff and Justices of Peace of the County of Middlesex whose
names are subscribed) touching tertian [unr] in Enfield chase.
[unr] where upon the House re[unr] the [unr] and Justices of [unr] of Middlesex
to proceed in preservation of the peace about Enfield chase, and parts adjacent,
and in punishment of the offenders according to Law.
It is referred to the Committee to whom the business of the Forest of Dian
is referred to examine the business about Enfield chase, and to report to the
The House being informed that divers Gentlemen of the county of suffalk
were at the door, they were called [unr] and one of the Petitioners said in the
name of the rest.
Mr. Speaker, we are intrusted by several Justices of the Peace, several Fastors
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