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Mercurius politicus, Number 580, 21st-28th July 1659 E.766[23]

and Members of Churches, divers godly Ministers and other wel-affected persons
of the county of Suffolk, to present their humble desires and acknowledgment
by way of Petition to your honors.
We have here also in a readiness several Proposals relating to the general
heads of our Petition, by which the desires of the Petitioners are more cleerly
manifested, which we are also intrusted to deliver to you, if you please to appoint
a way for receiving of them, and to on the behalf of the Petitioners
desire that they may together with the Petitions be considered.
And the Petitioners being withdrawn, several of their Petitions were read.
The Petitioners were again called in, and Mr. Speaker gave them this Answer.
Gentlemen, The Parliament hath read your Petitions, and the matters therein
most of them are under their consideration; and for the Proposals, they
will in convenient time take them into consideration; for your expressions
they finde them full of very good affections, and for them I am commanded to
give you the thanks of this House, and in their names I do give you the thanks
of this House accordingly.
The Bill for the setling the Militia in she counties of England and Wales, was
this day read the third time.
John Bradshaw, one of the Commissioners for the Great scal, was this day ordered
to attend the House on the morrow morning to take his oath, as one of
the Commissioners for the Great Seal, and Serjeant Tyrel to attend with the Seal
for that purpose.
Friday, 12 July.
The House this day ordered John Lowry Esq; to continue Cheque in Ward
in the Port of London as formerly, until the first of October.
Several Officers for the Garison of Portsmouth were this day approved, col.
Nath. Whetham being approved of to be Governor there.
Friday, 22 of July.
R Resolved by the Parliament, That the Members of
Parliament, who have had Letters to attend the service
of the parliament, or have actually attended since the
Seventh of May, One thousand or hundred fifty nine, be
hereby enjoyned to give their attendance in parliament
thery morning at eight of the clock for fourteen days.
Resolved by the Parliament, That the Bembers of parliament,
who have had Letters to attend the service of the
Parliament, or have actually attended since the seventh of
May, One thousand or hundred fifty nine, and are absent,
(except such as are employed upon special service by order
of the Parliament) he hereby enjoyned to attend this house
on, or before this day fortnight.
Tho: St. Nicholas Clerk of the Parliament.
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