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Mercurius politicus, Number 587, 15th-22nd September 1659 E.771[9]

Yesterday, Margarite of Savoy, natural Daughter of
Duke Charles Emanuel, and Widow of the Marquess of Este
and Lanze, died on the fifth day of a maligne Fever.
We have news also, that the Sieur Brachet intendant of the
army, and the Count of Preston Lieutenant General, were
also lately deceased, the first at Casal, the other at Valentia, of
a maligne Fever likewise.
Count Borgo is gone hence this morning to return to Parma,
very well satisfied with all the honors that have been done
him in this Court, he coming in order to the marriage now in
agitation between the Princess Margarite, and the Duke of
Parma, for the solicitation whereof, the said Borgo hath left
the Count Benedetto de Rosa behinde.
From Kienna Aug. 31.
The Imperial Court is now at Presbourg in Hungary, the
Diet of the Estates of that Kingdom being held there at this
time; the Emperor made his entry there with all manner of
magnificence, having been first received at the frontire by
divers Troops of horse and 2000 foot, and by the estates of
Hungary in grand equippage, attended by all the gentry in a
most splendid garb.
As soon as his Majesty arived, he and Archduke Leopold
went to visit the Jesuites Colledge, from whence after Mass
he returned to the Castle, and there received the submissions
of the Body of the City.
The Diet began on the 19 instant, and the first thing done
was, that the Imperial Commissioners presented his Majesties
demands, praying the said Estates to give a speedy answer,
as also so to order other affairs, as that a dispatch may
be made by the end of the next moneth.
The same day there were sent from hence two hundred
thousand crowns to the Imperial Army which is in Holstein,
and a round sum to those which are in Pomerania.
There is arived at Presburg a Chiaoux, who came to assure
his Imperial Majesty, that the Grand Seignior intends
not to disturb him concerning the Agreement made with
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