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Mercurius politicus, Number 587, 15th-22nd September 1659 E.771[9]

Prince Ragotzi, about the possessing of the places, made over
to him by the said Prince.
His Majesties orders are exactly observed here, in prosecution
of the War which is begun against the Swede in Pomerania.
From Gottenbourg, Sept. 4.
Here are several Swedish Counsellors of States arived here
from Stockholm, they being sent for by his Majesty of Sweden,
to advise with them, who, it is conceived, will either,
come hither himself, or else send persons to confer, that his
Majesties sence may by them be communicated to the
Senators of his Kingdom, concerning the state of his
From Duntzick, Sept. 6.
When the Imperial and Polish forces met first at Culm,
about fifteen leagues from hence (it being their Rendezvous)
our Magistrate sent thither two persons of our Senate, a like
number of our Citizens, and a Major of our Militia, to be
present in the Council of War, and there they gave their
consent for the besieging of Graudentz, which is since taken,
and towards the work, Thoren was willing to furnish the
army with 3000 sacks of Corn, and 6000 Tuns of Beer, for
their subsistence. They had, when they went before Graudentz
12000, with a very gallant Artillery, under the Command
of the Generals Lubomiruki and Grudzinski, with
which they presently took it from the Swede, in regard the
soldiery within made way by matiny, and had their reward
accordingly; for, though they hung out a white colours,
and habited themselves (many of them) in white to crave
mercy, yet the Poles put them all to the Sword.
The news here is, that Prince Palatine Adolph, his Majestie
of Swedens Brother, is gone towards Pomerania with a
number of forces.
General Czarnecki is going to command the Polish forces
which are to joyn with the Imperialists, and when he drew off
with his men out of Holstein, the King of Denmark sent
him a Gold Chain, as an acknowledgment of his services.
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