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Mercurius politicus, Number 587, 15th-22nd September 1659 E.771[9]

who commands them, keeps them in so good order,
that our Ploughmen and Paisants proceed in their daily labors
about their lands with all security, which we look on as a good
earnest of that tranquillity which we all promise our selves
upon the concluding of this Treaty, which we understand
will take effect about the middle of October; and they at
Antwerp and in other Eminent Cities are preparing Theatres,
Plays, Sports, and many other Solemnities of joy, against
the time of its publication.
Westminster, Thursday 15 Sept.
The House this day resumed the debate upon the Amendments to the Bill
for setling Lands upon the Adventurers and Soldiers in Ireland And several
Clauses and Provisoes were tendred to the House, relating thereunto.
Ordered, That the debate upon this Bill be adjourned until Saturday morning
next, the first business, nothing to intervene.
Friday, 16 Sept.
The House according to former Order, was this day in a Grand Committee
upon the Bill of Union of Scotland with England, and are to be in a Grand
Committee again upon the same business on this day seven night.
The House have ordered, that the Earl of Arundel be speedily sent for, and
brought over into England.
A Letter from the Plenipotentiaries of this Commonwealth from Coppenhagen
of the 24 August, was reported and read.
Also certain Articles to be presented upon the part of his Majesty of Denmark
Norway, to the most excellent Lords Mediators, deputed for the present
Treaty for his Majesty of Sweden; and also a Narrative of Gen. Montague.
Also a Paper from the Lord William Newport, Ambassador from the Lords the
States General of the United Provinces, dated 12 of September, with two more
Papers of the same date.
The Agreement between this Commonwealth, and the States General of the
United Provinces of the fourth of August, 1659. was read.
These Papers were referred back again to the Council of State, upon consideration
of the former Agreements, to prepare the matter of an Answer, and
tend [unr] the same to the House for their consideration.
The Council are likewise to take into consideration the Instructions given to
the fleet, when they were sent to the Sound, and present their opinion what
they think fit to be done upon the whole; and to consider also the ground of
the coming home of the Navy, not having directions from this House.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to consider what is fit to
don[unr], as to the continuing, or recalling the Plenipotentiaries of this Commonwealth.
Friday Afternoon, 16 Sept.
It is referred to a Committee to examine Matter of Fact touching the Confirmation
of the Priviledges of the Island of Guernsey, and to report their opinion
to the House what they think sit to he done therein.
Upon a report from the Council of State concerning the Militia's it is resolved.
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