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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

Numb. 599.
Mercurius Politicus
The sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
Published according to Order
From Thursday Decemb. 15. to Thursday Decemb. 22 1659.
From the Hague, Decemb. 16. S. N.
VIce Admiral De Ruyter went from Lubeck on the
fifth of December.
The Portugal Ambassador hath had audience,
but his Proposition was meerly made up of variety
of complements. The victory the Dmish,
and other force got in Funen, is represented every day greater.
It is said that the Swedish have in the other Danish Islands
which they have subdued, not above 4000 men.
Letters came to Amsterdam on the 18 of November, that
in Calabria there was and Earth quake on the eleventh of November,
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