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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

is marched wit the forces he had in Funen to Jutland,
and is arived already in those parts to quarter them in Holstein.
Two days ago about seven in the afternoon, and yesterday
about noon till two, we had great Thundering and
Lightning, which is strange to us at this time of the
We hear from Holstein, that General Eberstein is come
again to Mash, and hath shared the Swedish Colonels with
Field-Marshal Shack, which they took in Funen: To General
Ebersteins share fell General Major Weyer, Colonol Peters,
Colonel Engel, Col. Taub, Col. Dawax Col. Ebbe,
Major Siegeler, Major Rash, Major Guinter, Major Barth,
General Adjutant Pick, Colonel Commissary Sultman, the
Field Physitian, and Proviant Master Wezel. Field-Marshal
Shack had for his share these following, General Major
Count Waldeck, Colonel Shandebeen, Ovener, Zimmerman,
Martin, Major Reche, Engel Rechefeld, Kumpff, Krusen,
Strube Field Physitian Backer, and Proviant Master
Shering, which were carried some to Gluckstad, others to
Rensburg, and other places.
News from Zealand puts us in good hopes of a peace, in
regard the Ambassadors and Commissioners are together at
The Dyet at Gottenburgh in Tweden holds still; the
yong Prince is coming thither, who (they say) is to be declared
there as Successor: The King of Sweden himself is
to go thither also from Cronenburg.
We hear from Liesland, that the great Dukes Ambassadors
held a Conference with the Swedes, not far from Riga: The
Moscovites party is much inclined to peace, and are to meet
again at Doop in the thirty December, to reassume the
We have Letters from Pomerania and Mechlenburg, that
the Imperial army which stood before Demin, is disposed in
parts: Twelve or fourteen Regiments of them are to be in
quartered in the Principality of Swerin and Gustrow: Into
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