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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

Dam, Demia, and other places, are put double garisons, well
provided to hold out against all hostile attempts.
From the River of Rhine, Dec. 13.
We have news from Berlin, that the Count of Waldeck
is sent by the King of Sweden, to the Landgrave of Hassia-Cassel,
and to the rest of the Confederate Princes, to solicite
for Auxiliaries; from thence he is to go into France to the
same purpose.
The Duke of Brunswick sent his Ambassador to the Prince
Elector of Brandenburgh, with a request, That no winter
quarters might be laid on the Inhabitants of his Territories,
which is feared, as soon as the siege be left before Stettin.
Whitehall, Decemb. 15.
This day Proclamation was made for the calling of a Parliament; it was
performed in solemne manner, with the accustomed Ceremonies; first at
Whitehall-gate, then in the Place-yard before Westminster Hall, next at
Temple-Barr, afterward in Cheap side, and last at the Old-Exchange.
Decemb. 16.
This day, the General Council of Officers of the Armies of the three Nations,
and of the Fleet, in pursuance of the summoning of a Parliament,
considered of the Qualifications of persons that are to chuse, and be chosen,
in each County and Borough, as also concerning the manner of making the
Elections, which are so to be expedited, that before the 16 of January next
the Parliament be fully Elected. And it is resolved, that the Commissioners
for the Militia in the respective Counties, doe appoint fit persons in the respective
Hundreds, &c. to take care that the Elections be managed according
to their Qualifications.
Also, that the Committe of Safety be desired to send out the Writs for Summoning
the parliament, according to the distributions agreed upon by the said
Council, for the respective Counties, Cities, and Corporations.
Decemb. 17.
In pursuance of the Proclamation for summoning a parliament, care is
taken to issue forth immediately the Writs for E[unr].
This day was published a Paper stiled a Declaration in the came of Vice-Admiral
Lawson, and several Sea-Captains under his command, insisting upon
several, Reason, why they conceive it necessary the Long Parliament should
sit again
Upon perusal whereof here, is being found, that he and his Captains went
upon mistakes and misapprehensions of the state of Affairs, a co[unr] hath been
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