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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

Grandees of Spain made a stately Possession thither on horsback,
being followed by a world of people to make up the
publick joy. The French also which are were, present
at the ceremonies, which held for three daies, with all the
demonstrations of jollity.
This is to be followed with a notable Bull baiting, where
the greatest part of the Nobility and Gentry of Spain will be
From Rome, Novemb. 28.
On the 17 Instant, the Pope promoted two persons to the
Dignity of Cardinal, viz. Vichi and Palavicini.
From Turin, Decemb. 7.
Some difficulties which arose touching their restitution of
Vorceil, having been removed upon reading the Article of
the Treaty of Peace, all things are in preparation for the avoidence
of that place, as also of Valentia and Mortare,
which will be done within four or five daies. In the mean
while, the Duke of Navailles, General of the French, is
making ready several Barques, for transporting the great guns
and Ammunition from the latter places to Pignerol, where the
French Regiments of Normandie is entred in the room of the
Marquis of Piennes, who was a Governor, and hath avoided
it, as the two other Governors have also done. This General
also begins to cause the Kings Army to march, one part
whereof having advanced towards Dausine; the horse quartered
on the third of this month at Lombriasco, and the Foot
at Truffarello: which employment of the said General hath
somwhat retarded the meeting which is to be held for the
adjustment of the differences betwixt the Dukes of Savoy
and Mantua.
His Highness Royal our Duke hath sent a Gentleman to
Milan, to complement the Spanish Governor the Count of
Fuensaldagne concerning the Peace.
Another from the Hague, 18 Dec.
The Lords States of Holland and West-Friesland continue
their meeting, and will not end till Christmas.
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