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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

the Peace might be preserved, And Major Sampson coming
to see the State of the Town, joyned with some others of
the Commissioners of the Militia of this County, in placing
Lievtenant Colonel Bovett (one of those Commissioners)
and Captain Hicks, in the Castle, for the custodie thereof.
Thus, through the goodness of God, bloodshed hath been
prevented, and the Town is now again in its former quiet
From Paris, Decemb, 28. S. N.
The Court is by this time gone from Tholouze; since
there was a resolution takes to leave that place upon the fourteenth
or fifteenth of this month.
They goe from Tholouze to Narbonne, and so to Perpignan,
and from thence to A[unr]x in Provence, where they are
to stay all this Winter, till February or April next about which
time the new Queen is expected to come out of Spain, It
is sad here, that his Majesty and the Cardinal, (to whom,
the Prince of Conde had sent Letters by one Monsieur Guitaud)
did receive them with much joy and satisfaction; and
that the said Prince is now leaving Brussels to come for this
City, where he is also expected within few days.
The Titular King of Scots is gone from hence (as it is said),
to Brussels, having first reconciled himsef to the little Queen
his Mother, with whom he hath had a difference for some
His party here is very high upon your distractions in England,
since they see the difference still to continue between,
the Lord Lambert and General Monck; also, having promises
made of assistance from the Spaniards.
There was in this City a Marquis beheaded last week, who
was a Protestant; it is thought he was executed to deter
The King hath demanded of those of Languedoc in this
conjuncture of affairs, a free gift of Three millions of livers,
and the Assembly of the States at Tholouse hath not yet
agreed unto it, so that this business may cause some discontent
on the one side or the other.
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