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Mercurius politicus, Number 599, 15th-22nd December 1659 E.773[30]

in defence of the City or the Commonwealth: This
Court doth declare that they; still do, and with Gods assistance
always will adhere to their former principles and Declarations
in the use of all Lawfull meanes for the maintainance
of the true Reformed Protestant Religion according to the
Scriptures; The support and maintenance of a setled lawfull
Magistracy, a learned pious Ministery and publick Universities,
with the ancient fundamental Laws of the Nation, Just
these ends will endeavor, all they lawfully may, the speedy
convening of a Free Parliament to sit and Act without Interruption
or Molestation, by any persons whatsoever.
Where is in the foregoing Declaration, mention is made of the
Publick Intelligencer, thus much is replied on his behalf: That
be communicated nothing in the Print, but what be then received
from a very credible hand; and it was so late at night when he
received it, that he had not time or opportunity to make (as his
manner is) enquiry further, and so if there were a slip, it is Excusable;
and so much the rather, because it was and Error on the
right hand, seeing his good affection to the City, and the desire he
had to see a good correspondence continued betwixt them and the
Army, disposed him the more readily to receive an Information
which spake to that purpose; there being nothing else under heaven
more conducible to the publick peace and happiness, with the preservation
of those Rights and Liberties, and Principles, for which
this renowned City first took Arms, and hath ever since concurred,
and contributed toward the carrying on of the War against the
Publick Enemy.
An Advertisement of a Book newly Printed and Published.
A Box of Spikenard newly broken; not so much for the
preparation of the Burial; as for the clearer illustration and exornation of
the Birth and Nativity of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Je[unr]us. Con[unr]ned
in a Discourse, occasioned through a Question propounded by Mr.
[unr] Baxt[unr], and answered by Mr. T. M. Sold at the Bible on Ludgate-bil.
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