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Mercurius politicus, Number 608, 16th-23rd February 1660 E.775[7]

From Gripswald, Feb. 7
The Commander in Ancklam marched lately against that
strong house Spankaw and subdued it, losing only three
men, in which they took one Captain, one Lieutenant, one
Antient, and 70 common men, which brought store of provision
into the said House; all these the Swedish carried away
and brought them and the provision in it to Anklam. The
said House is since garrisoned again.
Westminster Thursday, Feb. 16.
Ordered, That the Committee for plundered Ministers, be and are hereby
impowred and authorized to sit every Tuesday and Thursday in the Afternoon.
The House appointed the Mayor of the city of Oxon for the time beings
Richard Croke Esq; Martyn Wright, John Nixon, Humphrey Whistler, Thomas
Weekes, William Wright Aldermen, Thomas Dennis, Walter Cave, Matthew
Langeley, Richard Millar, Thomas Williams, John Lamb, Thomas Berry, and
William Bailey, to be added Commissioners for the Assessment in the City of
Resolved, That Paul Fletcher Esq; be and is hereby nominated and appoint-Sheriff
of the county of Derby; and a commission is to pass under the great
Seal accordingly.
Also Robert Waters Esq; is nominated and anointed Sheriff for the county
of York, and a commission is to be passed accordingly.
Ordered, That on Saturday morning next, the names of Sheriffs for the
respective Counties be brought in for the approbation of the Parliament.
Whereas there are commissions prepared by Mr. Atturney General, for
Doctor Walker as first Judge, Doctor Turner as second Judge, and Mr. Cawley
as the third Judg, for the Admiralty and Court of Probate of Wills, with
their Salaries, ordered by the Parliament to be inferred in the said Commissions,
which are sighed by the said Atturney General, and Mr. Speaker by order
of the Parliament; It is ordered, that the said respective commissions so
prepared and signed be forthwith passed by the Lords Commissioners of the
Great Seal of England, and sent or delivered to the said respective Judges
with all speed, that Justice may be executed in the said Courts.
A Report was made from the Committee, for what counties, cities and Boroughs,
the Members now sitting in the Parliament do serve.
Mr. Atturney General brought in Precedents of Writs for Knights and
Burgesses, with Returns thereof; which were read.
Report was made of Amendments to the Bill of Qualifications, which were
twice read; and the said Amendments reported, so amended, whereupon
the Question was agreed unto.
Friday, Feb. 17.
Ordered, that Sir John Evelyn, Sir Richard Bettenson, Thomas Lee, Sack ford
Gonson, Samuel Highland, Lawrence Marsh, Benjamin Polsted, John Heyle Esquires;
Henry Wilcock. Nicholas Lampriere, Captain John Inwood, Lionel Rawlins. Major
William Hill John Carlton of Wallington, Thomas Edwards, Robert Cranmer,
be and are hereby appointed and added commissioners for the Assessment in
the County of Surrey, and they and every of them be and are hereby impowred
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