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Mercurius politicus, Number 608, 16th-23rd February 1660 E.775[7]

and Authorised to sit, and act as Commissioners for the Assessment, as fully
to all intent and purposes, as if they had been named in the Act for Assessment.
Ordered, That the Bayliff, for the time being, Nathanael Bacon, Francis
Bacon, John Brandling Esquires, Manuel Sorrel, Rob. Duncon Esquires, and
Jacob Ceely Gent. be and are hereby added Commissioners for the assessments
for the Town of Ipswich in the County of Suffolk; and the George Moody, John
Clark, William Chaplin, Esquires, and Jasper Sheppard, Gent. be also added
for the Town of Bury St. Edmonds in the said county; and that the Mayor
for the time being, Joseph Bemond Gent. Francis Bacon, Esq; ___Gale, and
___Gates Gent. be added commissioners for the Town of Hadleigh in the
said county. And that Francis Morse, Francis Theobald, Rob. Brownrigg, Esqs;
Arthur Jegon, and capt. Denny, be added also for the county of Suffolk.
The like order for William Taylor of Wilscot, alias William Scot; to be added
a commissioner for the Assessments in the county of Oxon.
The like order for George Withers of Hall Esq; and for George Withers of
Winchester Esq, to be added Commissioners in the Country of Southampton.
The like order for Richard Wenman Alderman of the City of Norwich to be
a Commissioner for the City of Norwich.
The like order for Henry Pickering, Roger Roul, Dudley Pope, Esquires, Andrew
Peyne Doctor of Laws, Jo: Bennet Esq; Sackvile Ward Esq; John Robinson,
Richard Howler, John Peirson, John Bridgman of Stechworth, to be
added Commissioners for the Assessment in the County of Cambridge.
The form of a Writ to Elect Knights to serve in Parliament, was read the
f[unr]t and second time.
Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be, and is hereby Authorised, and impowred to
signe Dockets, impowering the Commissioners of the Great Seal to pass the
several Writs under the great Seal.
The House, in order to the silling up of the House; Resolved that the Writs
shall be issued forth for Election of Members to serve in Parliament; in the places
of seen as are dead, or that have been declared incapable by Judgment of
Parliament of sitting of Members of the same, during this Parliament.
And it is ordered, that Mr. Speaker doe grant his Warrant to the Clerk of
the Commonwealth in Chancery, to issue forth Writs for Elections, for the respective
Courties Cities, and Boroughs.
The Form of Writ to be issued forth
for Elections, is as followeth;
The [unr]pers of the Liberty of England by Authority of
Parliament, to the Sheriff of the County of B.----
Whereas A.B. was lately elected one of the Knights of
the sail County for this Parlament begun at Westminster
the third day of November, in the [unr]ar of our Load one
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