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Mercurius politicus, Number 217, 3rd-10th August 1654 E.808[7]

provisions except Beer. The Ammunition. bread is sold
for 3 Stivers, and so much one pound of flesh, and so of all
the rest, there yet being yet a great quantity of Cattel within
our lines, and there is daily baked 25 thousand Loaves for
The souldiers: the 3 instant arrived a Convoy from
Cambray, which brought us Powder and Shot, and medicaments
for the Chirugions which we wanted; We have
not hitherto lost above 200 men, and 300 wounded, and
those that came to us from the Town doe affirm they have
lost 800 men, and that 1500 that remain are much tired,
being put upon such service, General Turenne doth dayly
send parties to face our Lines, but as yet to no purpose, our
men and very valiant and couragious, and the more difficulties
and oppositions they find from the besiedged, it serves
no more but to inflame the zeal and affection they have to
his Majesties service. His Highnesse the Archduke doth
likewise take incredible care and pains in carrying on the
work, visiting the Quarters every night, and taking no rest
until the day be come that he doth return to his quarter.
Whitehall, August 1 An Ordinance was passed, for Indempnity
to the English Protestants of the province of Munster
in Ireland.
WHereas many English and Brittish Protestants in
the Province of Munster in Ireland upon the defection
of the Lords Ormond and Inchiquin were seduced
and drawn by the Power and policy of the said Lords to
follow them in their treacherous revolt, whereof divers
being sensible of their offence, and retaining still a good
affection to the interest of the Common-wealth of England,
did give a real and eminest testimony thereof in their
voluntary rendition of the Towns of Cork Youghal, Kinsale
Bandon, and divers Forts, Castles, and other Garrisons adjacent,
and that at a time when the Army under the command
of his Highness the Lord Protector then Lord Lieu.
of Ireland, being at a great distance from them, and the
winter season rendred the access thereof unto them improbable;
By means of which rendition divers places of
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