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Mercurius politicus, Number 217, 3rd-10th August 1654 E.808[7]

or molestation whatsoever (other then is hereafter
in this Ordinance expressed) for any matter
or thing by them or any of them committed or
done by Sea or Land, against the Parlament or
their Forces in the late War, or any of the former
Warrs; and that for the matters aforesaid,
there shall be no Sequestration, Confiscation,
Fine, Penalty, Forfeiture or Punishment imposed
or continued upon them or any of them, otherwise
than is in this Ordinance hereafter exprest,
but the same shall be put in perpetual Oblivion.
And also that the Estates. real and personal
of all the Brittish and Protestants of,
or in the Province of Munster aforesaid (except
as is hereafter in this Ordinance excepted
and provided) shall be and are hereby
freed, discharged and acquitted of and from all
Sequestrations, Confiscations, Fines, Penalties
and Forfeitures whatsoever, for any matter or
thing by them or any of them committed or
done in the aforesaid wais, and be immediately
restored to all lawfull rights, freedoms, priviledges
and immunities as fully to all intents and
purposes, as if they had made no defection, or
committed or done any crime, matter or thing
against the Commonwealth of England or the authority
This is the main of the Ordinance: but there are
many Provisoes contained in it, which being printed at
large, the Reader is referred to the printed Ordinance it
self for full understanding.
From Hamburgh July 25. S.V.
All the Dukes that were here with the Queen
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