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Mercurius politicus, Number 217, 3rd-10th August 1654 E.808[7]

of Sweden are returned to their own countries,
except the young Duke of Mecklenburgh, who
expects some monies here for the raising of some
Regiments in service of the King of Spain The
Queen is said to be still at Lunenburgh, and Charls
Stuart upon his way from the Spaw hitherward to
meet her Majesty either at Lunoburgh, or Stoad,
where as is said he hath bespoken his lodging at
Col. Moors house. Some of his Company are
said to be already in this Town, and himself is
expected very speedily, though very private,
having only four persons with him. Generall
Koningsmark having got 1200 men more for his
assistance from Wismar, hath drawn all his Forces
together, and is advancing towards the Burgh to
recover it if he can. The Bremers are said to be
somwhat daunted at it, yet knowing themselves
much stronger then the Swedes, they are resolved
to present him with a Battel in the field, if they
come so neer them. What will be the issue of this
dangerous business, God knows.
From Dantzick, July 25. S. N.
Here is news of a great defeature of the Polish
Army bo the Muscovite, who as is said hath caused
all the chief Officers of the Army to have their
heads cut off, but kept the Surgeons, Constables
and such like persons to himself. This news,
yet uncertain, hath caused a great confusion amongst
the Assembly upon the Rix-day, where
there is great want as well of men as monies,
their greatest hope is fixed only upon the assistance
of the Tartars, which is yet very uncertain,
and will yet be more doubtful if this news prove
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