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Mercurius politicus, Number 217, 3rd-10th August 1654 E.808[7]

true, the certainty whereof you shall hear by the
next. The Crowns General Postoschy dyed upon
his journy towards the Army. The Moscovi[unr]s
have taken the Forts Baan, Biale and several
other places, and are advancing very far it to the
From Paris; Aug. 13. stilo novo.
You will have heard of the taking of Stenay
by the last post, the letters that are come since
have brought us the Confirmation thereof, and
that the besieged did not speak of surrendring
till after a very great breach which the mine had
made; That it was with Spanish Commander
with whom the Capitulation was made, and
that the Earl of Chamilly had particularly endeavoured
to make his peace, and did accept of the
Amnestie or pardon of the King in surrendring
the place; The Garison whereof retreated to
Montmedy. We doe understand further by the
Letters writ from Sedan, the 6 of this month, that
the Cardinal Mazarin was come thither from stenay,
and that the Court made accompt to be removing
from thence in two days for Rhetel, from
thence to Soisonne, from Siisonne to la Fere, & from
thence to Peronne; in all which places they would
endevour to increase their Forces, that so they
might all joyn with the Marshal of Turenne to relieve
Arras; upon which their Majesties were resolved,
although they should engage the Spaniards
in their Trenches: This was likewise the
Resolution of the said Marshall by the last Letters
that came from his Camp. It is thought he
doth very much relye, as an advantage, upon the
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