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Mercurius politicus, Number 217, 3rd-10th August 1654 E.808[7]

diversity of Nations and humors, whereof the
Spanish Army is composed, amongst which are
though to be some who will not fight, & would
willingly come over to the French. But it is
very hard to believe that the French will fight
the Spaniards in their Trenches, unless it be that
the Court have some intelligence in the Spanish
Army; And as there is some likelihood that the
place will be taken before that the Forces of
Guienne and elswhere, which the Marshall might
have had, so men are of opinion, that there will
be only a Fight after the taking of the place,
there being no doubt but the French are fully resolved
upon it. The said Letters from their
Camp doe also import that there hapned every
day rencounters betwixt the parties of both Armies;
wherein severall Men were slain on both
sides; and that they often surprised small Convoyes
going to the Spanish Camp before Arras;
here is a report as if the besiedged h[unr] began to
parly, but there is no credit given to it by any in
regard they are not vet brought to that extremitie,
b[unr] that they may hold out one fortnight
longer, to see whether the French Army will endevour
to relieve them. In the mean time here
is certain news come from Nantes, that the Cardinal
de Rhetz having understood that there were
Orders given to secure him close Prisoner again,
had made an Escape, and was retreated into
Bel[unr]sle accompanied by 8 [unr] his Friends, who
Monnred him upon a gall[unr] Horse, at a place
appointed, where he came after he was got out
of the Castle. There are already 2000 men at
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