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Mercurius politicus, Number 226, 5th-12th October 1654 E.813[12]

From Dalkeith, September 26.
Yesterday were Articles perfected for the
Marqais of Montross and his parties coming in,
delivering up their Arms, and giving security
for their peaceable deportment for the future,
upon the Terms formerly granted to the Earls
of Atholl and Glencairn.
Westminster October 6. The Parlament hath
gone through a good part of the Government
in a grand Committee; which being in order only
to a further Resolution or confirmation hereafter
upon the Debate of the whole House, it is
not meet that any of the Particulars should be
made publick.
Severall Committees have sat, as the Committee
for Ejecting of scandalous and ignorant
Ministers and Schoolmasters; which Committee
are likewise to take into consideration the Ordinance
appointing Commissioners for approbation
of publick Preachers.
Franckfort on the Main, September 22.
We hear a confirmation of the overthrow
given to the Lithuanian Forces, which make part
of the Polish Army; This encounter happened
upon the 12 of this instant, the fight lasting
from 4 in the afternoon, till 9 at night, where
Was a generall Rout of the Lithuanian Forces,
which consisted of near 8000 Foot, and 2000
Horse, the Regiment of the Field-Marshall being
wholly cut off and he hardly escaping. The
Commissioners of Hamborough, Lubeck, Munster,
Luneburgh, Brandenburgh, are gone to Bremen,
where they propounded severall things toward
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