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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

Numb: 227
Mercurius Politieus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Design
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People,
It à verture seria. {Horat. Dt
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday Octob: 12: to Thursday Octob: 19. 1654.
From Dalkeith October 7.
Midleton continued of late between
Glenarchyes bounds and Argyles,
(a strange thing that his Lordship
cannot suppress them, not being
300 men) their work was to
steal Cattle from the Country for their livelyhood.
But now their wants made them disperse
and he is gon to Kintaler Lane and Dudhop have
bin towards Kentire, but have engaged very few,
nay Dudhops Tenants refused to pay him any
rent, and they are jealous one of another; a
[unr] of Captaine Farmers Dragooners neer
Aberdeere did lately rescue a D ove of Cattell
from about 80 or 100 Highlander, (who had stoln
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