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Mercurius politicus, Number 226, 5th-12th October 1654 E.813[12]

the surrender of Bremerburgh, provided they remain
still in their priviledges and immunities.
The 17 of this instant is the day to begin the
conference, which is to be at the Minden, concerning
the making up the difference between the
Swedes and the City of Bremen; and the Commissioners
of Munster and Luneburgh are gon to
meet the Generall Koningsmark, and so use all
means possible to obtain a cessation of Arms between
him and the City of Bremen. The Emperor
is very earnest to bring all Affairs in readiness
towards the next Diet, which is to be
kept the next month at Presburgh in Hungaria;
the chief drift of his Imperiall Majesty being to
get his Son the Archduke Leopoldus Ignatius
crowned King of Hungaria, and that done, the
other matters wil be looked upon very slightly;
The difference in that Countrey between the
Protestants and the Papists about the election
of a new Palatine, may (perhaps) make a great
demurre concerning that Coronation. Some
Commissioners of Sweden are come into Pomerania
to settle that Country, and take possession of
it for that Crown. The Elector Palatine of
Heidelburgh is resolved to carry on his Design for
the recovery of those Lands in the County of
Gulick, which the Duke of Newburgh keeps from
From Brussels, October 12. S.N.
Here is news come, that a party of the Spanish
Army hath beat a Convoy of importance of the
French Army; Four hundred Horse, with the
Earl of Grand Pre and his Brother taken prisoners,
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