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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

that Cattell out of the Lowlands) He killed a
Lievtenant Colonel, and one or two more, took
and wounded others, and routed the rest, Iremaine.
From Plimouth, October. 9.
Friday last, there came in hither three of our
Frigats from New found land, with some Merchant
men, but many of them are yet behind,
these Frigots having been separated from them
by a storm.
Though storms have been so violent at Sea,
that Sea-mon say they have hardly known the
like, yet we hear riot of the losse of any ship,
either man of Warr or Merchant man blessed
be God.
From Francfort on the Main, 28. Septemb.
The Commissioners of the Duke of Luneburgh;
and the Landgrave of Hesse are arived at Stockbolm,
and had audience of his Majestie concerning
the difference between them and the
City of Bremen. His Maj. hath sent a solemn invitation
to the Queen Christiana of Swedon who is
still at Antwery that she will do him the favour
as to grace his Nuptials with her Royal presence;
and whiles his intended spouse cometh
to him, he is gone to visit the old Queen Dowager
at Nicoping, where she now lyeth sick. The
Prince Radzivil having gathered what Forces he
could of his torn army, with about 4000 men
come from Germany, is marched in person to [unr]y
what success he will having inst the Mus[unr]
who are very powerful, and make great progress
into Lithuania, and other Countries adjacent, and
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