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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

his Majesty of Poland had no sooner advice of
the late check given to his Forces, but that he
sent new commands to all the Nobility and
Gentry to com into the field with such numbers
of Men, and Furniture, as is enjoyned them:
And whereas advice came that Kimelniski General
of the Gosacks is removed from his old quarters,
and [unr] to joyn with the Mascovite
Army, [unr] General Podoski is now upon his march
to p[unr] them, and prevent their conjunction.
The Emperor hath put off the Diet of Hungaria
until the next Spring, and to give content in
some measure to the Nobility and Gentry, he
hath given them liberty to choose a Palatine,
which he doth promise to confirm. There hath
been a forbearance for some months concerning
the Execution of those several Laws made, and
published against the Protestants in the Emperors
Hereditary Countries; but now they are
again put in Execution with all the severity as
may be. This City hath been of late much
afflicted by a great Fire, which hath burn'd about
100 houses in the Street called of St. Johns.
This week hath come through this City two
Ambassadors from Muscovia, who are going to
to the Emperour, and carry him rich presents
from their Master.
From the Hague, October, 16. stilo novo:
On Monday the 12 Iastant, between the
houres often and eleven in the forenown: there
happened to the Magazine of Delf, and unexpected
blow by Gunpouder, demolishing and
laying flat with the Ground, divers houses neer
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