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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

place where first she sate, was filled with
Timber, Bricks, & Rubbish; and although
it pleased the Divine providence to take
her Children, yet strangely to preserve
her therein. God of his infinite Mercy
grant us all the Grace of true Repentance,
and avert his so heavy Judgments from us.
Amen; Amen.
From Stockholm, September 16. S. U.
From hence very little of State-affairs
at present, the Court being taken up in
preparing of all kind of Festival Jovalties,
and extraordinary Fireworks for the solemnizing
of the Royall Nuptials, the
Bride being now shortly expected. Here
is arived one of the Landtgraves of Hessen
Darmestadt, by name Landgrave Frederick.
of Hornburgh, who had Audience two
dayes agoe, and was at Dinner with the
Kings Majestie, who returned hither from
the Country on Tuesday last, being the
12 instant. The French ordinary Ambassador
Monsieur D' Avancour, hath not
yet had his Audience, but is to have it on
Monday or Tuesday next: He keeps a
very close House, having hired his Lodging
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