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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

for the space of two years. We long
to understand whether the extraordinary
English ea-Force are going, there being
many variable conjectures here, but no
certainty of their intentions, which yet a
short time will produce.
From Vienna 23 dito, S. V.
From hence little of news, the Emperor
and Court remaining still at Ebersdorf,
where he intends to Continue untill
October 6 and then to return hither. It
is said, the defeat of the Littawish Army
by the Muscovites, hath moved his Emperial
Majesty to command the Silesians to
put themselves in a Defensive Posture
there; but its rather believed, that the said
command was given in omnem eventum, to
encounter the Swedes, if they should provoke
the Emperor to new Alarms, as some
give out they intend, assoon as they have
got their will of the City of Bremen.
From Hamburgh, October 30.
There is great hopes of a happy accommodation
of the Swedish difference with
the Bremers, the States General having
denominated 3 Lords, viz. Benninghen,
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