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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

From Paris 21 October, stilo novo.
We doe hear again now that the Pore having
not Credit enough to goe to heaven, doth still
remain on earth in a languishing condition;
there being some likelihood of recovery,
neither doe we hear any thing further about the
Cardinal de Retz.
The Duke of Mercoeur hath the charge of
Colonel General of the horse of France bestowed
upon him; the Marshall of Tuerine did desire
it, but went without it. The Court is expected
here on Monday next, in this City; it is
supposed they will spend this winter season in
mirth and lollity.
The French Armie is still at Chastean Cambresis
no further fiege to be undertaken this Campania.
The Princes Armie is said to be very powerfull;
and doth often surprise some parties of the
The Duke of Guise is gone to sea with his
The Prince of Conty is said to be very sick in
The Duke of Montbazon dyed here lately.
From Rotterdam 16 October Stile novo.
The misunder standings and divisions doe stil
continue between the states of the Province of
Overyssel, about the subject of the young Prince
of Orange; those that will not consent to his
establishment, are backt by these of Holland,
who doe oppose the other party with more
violence then all the other Provinces, Holland
hath named the Lords of Beninghen, Boltsma and
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