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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

Lutzburgh for Commissioners For Bremen, to endeavour
an accommodation between the Bwedes
and that City, some of these Commissioners are
already gone from hence, the rest will suddenly
They have Order to Joyn with the Commissioners
of the Hans Townes and to return with
speed in case that any one party will not be
brought to reason, to advise whether they may
venture to middle any farther with their differences.
There is also a letter writ to the King
of Sweaden to desire his Majestie to send such
orders and necesiarie instructions to General
Coningssmark, to facilitate as much as he is able
this accomodation. The East Indie ships lye
now sayle ready, and expect only a faire winde
to carry them out to Sea.
There hath happned (since my last) in the
City of Delf, situated between the Hague and
this City, a most sad and lamentable disaster,
there being a Magazine of Armes in that City
wherein lay at least six or seven hundred barrels
of Powder, which was fired casually (as is supposed)
by the keeper of the Magazin, who was
seen to goe in with another man about ten of
the Clock, to fetch out a sample or two of Powder;
and men doe imagine that they went to
strike open a barrel, and so struck fire, which
presently took and hath blown up between
two or three hundred houses and destroyed a
world of people; the certain number whereof
is not yet known, The tops of the Churches
and most of the houses are quite uncovered, not
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