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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

where he hath received a Bill of Exchange for
some Monies which the Emperor and the Princes
of the Empire have contributed towards his
maintenance; It is thought that Prince Rupert
did negotiate it in his last Journey to Vienna. It
is also said, that the said Charls Stuart is to return
to Aken, where he hath hired him a House
to pass the Winter there: The Princess Royall
is to goe from Cullen to Buren, a house belonging
to her son the young Prince.
Don Estevan de Gamara and Constreras hath
received his Patent from Spain to go and reside
at the Hague in Holland as Ordinary Ambassador
of the King of Spain, in the place of the Lord
Brun deceased.
From Genoa September 27.
Here is an Ambassador Extraordinary going
from this State to England; his name is the Lord
Hugh Fiesco. We are wholly taken up here about
the Election of a new Duke, which is at present
retarded through the subtilty of the Spaniards,
who endeavour to have one made that is of their
From Toulon October, 6.
Yesterday, about 4 a clock in the morning,
the Duke of Guise, having imbarqued all his
all his Land forces, out Fleet of War immediately
set saile, consisting of 23 ships; 6 Gallies, and
the like number of long Boats to transport the
principall officers, having had a favorable wind
under the conduct of the Commander Panl, who
is to command by Sea, and the Duke by Land,
but upon what Coast it will blow them, we yet
know not.
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