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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

Tuesday, Octob. 10.
At the Committee to whom the Ordinances for ejecting
scaudalous, ignorant and insufficient Ministers and
Schoolmasters, and for approbation of Publick Preachers,
are committed,
It was ordered, That the Members of Parlament who
do serve for the respective Counties and places in England
and Wales, be desired to consider of the names of fit persons
to be Commissioners for approbation of Ministers
within their several Counties; and where they cannot
find a convenient number of persons sufficiently qualified
for that work, that then they do consider what other
County or Counties are fit to be associated unto them,
and that they make report thereof to this Committee on
Monday next.
From Warsovia, Septemb.27.
The chief Commander of the Army in Lithuania, having
received the rest of his forces from Minsko, with a
Recruit of 2000 more commanded by the Priuce Radzivil,
is come to quarter within eight leagues of the Muscovites,
not being able to stay for the arrival of the Sieur
Gouciewsky with part of the Polish Army which is at
Ukrain. The K. of Poland hath not had any further intelligence
concerning the last fight. He hath sent orders to
the Arrier-ban of his Army to hasten their march: and in
the mean time the Army under the command of General
Podosky hiving had advice that Kmielinsky was removed
with his Cosacks, have quitted their station at Ukrain, in
hope to get before him, and hinder his conjunction with
the Muscovites.
from Vienna, Septemb. 28.
The Emperor having been obliged for many reason to
put off the Diet in Hungaria till next Spring, therefore
that the malcontents of that Kingdom may not he exasperated
through this delay, he hath sent a permission to the
Estates to have meeting to chuse a new Palatine, whom
his Imperial Majesty promiseth them to confirm.
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