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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

This week there arrived in this City an Envoy from the
King of Poland, to demand supplies of the Emperor against
the Muscovites and Cosacks: There is copse likewise an
Ambassador from the Elector of Brandenourgh to condole
the death of the King of the Romans.
The Doctors, Crane and Hartman, intend to go after
the Count Wolmar to assist at the Assembly of the Deputies
of the Estates of the Empire appointed to be at Franc-fort.
The execution of the Ordinances of the Emperor
against the poor oppressed Protestants in his hereditary
dominions, was a while suspended, but now within these
few dayes, they have been revived with much more rigor
than before.
From Rome, Septemb. 25.
The Pope hath been very ill, insomuch that his death
was expected by his Physitians, and himself prepared for
it by a Review of his will; but his maladies prove yet more
merciful. On the 14 of this moneth, being the day of the
Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the sacred Colledge met in
the Church of Saint Marcellus according custom where
after Mass they distributed the monies that had been collected
the year past, towards the marriage of divers poor
Maidens. The day after, they met likewise in the Quirinal,
to celebrate the memory of the creation of the Pope
who that day entred into the eleventh year of his Popedom;
And Cardinrl Barberini, in the name of the whole
Collage of Cardinals (whereof he is Sub Dean) gave him
the usual salutation or complement of Ad multos annos,
which Was received with joy by his Holiness.
On the 18, the Ambassador of Verice had audience of
his Holiness, and he of Spain the day after, but with no
great ceremony, because of the indisposition of the Pope,
who grows weaker and weaker every day, being troubled
with a defluxion of Rheume to his cheek, which hath been
followed by Loosness arid a swelling of his legs, attended
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