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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

with the Strangury: whereupon the Spaniards, to shew
how little respect they bear to his Holiness, have advanced
with their Troops upon the Frontiers of the Ecclesiastical
State; And to be revenged upon Cardinal Barberini, they
have clapt Garrisons into several Castles which belong to
him, pretending that they have done this meerly to prevent
their being possessed by the French, who they say are
designed to march that way.
Westminster, Octob. 12. There was a Book delivered at
the House-dore, entituled, A Second Beacon fired, humbly
presented to the Lord Protestor and the Parlament, by the
Publishers of the first; with their humble Petition, that
they would do what may be expected from Christian Magistrate
in suppressing blasphemous Books.
In this Book they mind the Parlament of several Particulars:
As first, of the Contrivances and Acting of the
Papists to introduce their Religion, by sending forth their
Emissaries, by their setting up an Hierarchy and Consistory,
consisting of an Archbishop with other dependants on
him in this Nation, as appears by the Lord Protectors testimony
in his late Speech; and lastly, by their publishing
in the years 1050, 1651, 1652. eighteen several forts of
Popish books in the English tongue, an impression of each,
in all (as is supposed) no less then 30000, and all printed
in London:
Secondly, of the great increase of Socinianism, Quakerism,
and other Fundamental Errors. By publick meetings
and exercises of Socinians in London and elswhere, every
week. By the like Meetings of Quakers in London. And
by the Printing and publishing many thousands of blasphemous
and hereticall Books, containing strange Errors, a
Taste whereo[unr] is also set forth by the Publishers, in a Catalogue.
Thirdly, of divers Anti-Magistraticall Errours,
which are therein also recited.
As concerning the business of Canada, we know of no
Letters from any of ours that give any account of it; but
from Brest, Rochel, and other parts of France, it is severally
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