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Mercurius politicus, Number 227, 12th-19th October 1654 E.813[21]

This day in the Afternoon the House sate in a grand
Committee concerning Religion, and they adjourned till
Monday October 16.
October 16.
The Parlament then were in a grand Committee, in debate
upon that part of the Government, which relates to a
October 17.
They were in the morning in a grand Committee again
upon the same. In the afternoon, in a grand Committee
about the business of trade.
October 18. They fate all day in a grand Committee, till
past four a Clock in the evening, in debate about the maner
of succession in the Government, whether elective, or hereditary;
and the question being put, They came to a resolution;
which being passed only in a grand Committee, we
shall not presume to make publick.
From Dalkeith, October 12.
The Generall even now received advertisement, That
Capt Elsmore fell, upon Sir Mungo Murray, took him prisoner,
killed a Lieutenant; a Cornet, and wounded a Major,
who they say is since dead. Sir Mungo is prisoner at Saint
From Dnblin, October 11. The Natives of the Country
being now to be so sensible of the spoils made on them in
som parts by the Tories, that they made head against them,
slew divers, and brought their heads into Kilkenny. That
which most disgusts this people, is the work of transplanting,
and as no, great progress hath been made in it, so if it
were quite laid aside, and encouragement given to the Adventurers,
I am perswaded things would go on well here.
It hath pleased God to take away from us Col: Robert
Hammond, who came lately over to be one of the [unr]ncel
for the Government of this Nation. He died of a violent
Fever attended with Convulsion fits.
Licensed and entred according to the Act for Printing.
London, Printed by The. Newcomb, 1654.

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