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Mercurius politicus, Number 225, 28th September-5th October 1654 E.813[7]

their lines before Smolensko, which place they
say is still in a very good condition, and able to
hold out a long time; but by Letters from Dant-Zick
we hear quite the contrary, for they say
that the Forces of Lithuania are totally routed,
Arms, Baggage, and Ordnance taken; the Field-Marshall,
who was then Commander in Chief,
hardly escaping, his own Regiment being wholly
cut off, and that thereupon the City of Smolensko
was likely to surrender to the Muscovite,
there being little-probability, of relief in any
time. From Vienna we hear, that their Majesties
are gone back to Ebersdorf, and intend to stay
there till the mouth of October, and so return
to that City to make their preparations for the
Diet of Hungaria; before the Emperor did depart
from Vienna, the States of Austria proffered
their Majesties to Crown the young Arch duke
Leopoldus Ignatius King of Hungaria, but the Emperor
well considering, that all the circumstances
which are necessary to such a weighty action
could not be observed, hath therefore deferred
it till it be done in the right place.
Tuesday, September 26.
Severall Ordinances past by his Hghiness the
Lord Protector and Council, a little before the
sitting of the Parlament, were this week published
in print; viz. An Ordinance appointing
Commissioners to survey Forests, Honors, Manors,
Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, belonging
to the late King, Queen, and Prince;
whereby it is Ordained, That Commissioners
shall be nominated and appointed by his Highness,
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