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Mercurius politicus, Number 229, 26th October-2nd November 1654 E.814[9]

Middleton is certainly gone further North, to
shift for himself and his followers, which are
about 300, all of them being on foot; and in
this condition it is supposed they will luck a
while, till they can get a vessel to transport
The late fast was. solemnely kept in most
places by the Laity, but the Glergy men were
froward, and accordingly expressed themselves
(as farr as they durst) against the presents
From Paris the last of October, S.N.
Great of late have been the successes of this
Nation. In Catalonia the work, goes handsomly
on; the prince of Conti being come to the siege
before Puycerda, the Trenches being finished
there, and the Batteries, all things are in
a posture for present Action, In Barcelone,
though the French be not possessed of the City
yet if they come once to distresse it, they will
be in a fair way for it, there being a numerous
Party well affected to the Crown of France.
In Savoy, matters are a like prosperous there,
for, the Marshal Grancey having compleated a
Bridge of Boats, got part of his Army over the
Tenaro to Felizano, and the next day marched
to Broomeo, and there he with his French Forces
engaged the Spaniards commanded by the
Governor of Milan. who after 3 houres fight
was routed, and constrained to retreat to Alexandria,
being persued by the French, who lie
not far from him. In the mean time, the said
Governor hath sent 300 men to reinforce the
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