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Mercurius politicus, Number 230, 2nd-9th November 1654 E.816[10]

Numb: 230
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of al Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------It à vertere Seria. {Horat. de.
Ar. Poet
From Thursday Novem: 2. to Thursday Novemb: 9. 1654.
From Edenburgh, October 26:
YEsterday about two a clock in the morning,
there hapned a Fire, which first arose in the
house of one Thomas Burne Chaundler, at
the Foot of Besse-Wynd, where it brake out
so furiously (the man having much combustible
matter in his house) and so unexpectedly, that he
hardly escaped by leaping out at one of his windows into
the Meal-market; but his wife, and 3, or 4 of his children
were burnt in the house: And the Fire spread so, that it
burnt up both the great House by and behinde it the greater
whereof by a fall of the Western wall thereof, did kill
many people, whose number is not certainly known. But
there are diggéd forth already among the ruines about 16
persons. And truly, there is not one house to the southward
of Sir William Rig his great house, or below that and
the Cowgate, and below Forresters-Wynd and the Meal-market,
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