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Mercurius politicus, Number 229, 26th October-2nd November 1654 E.814[9]

garrison of Tortona, in case the French Forces
should set down before it. Upon this News
from saucy, there is Talk as if here were
thoughts of matching the King with the
daughter of Saucy.
In Naples, the People have long groaned under
the Spaniard, are very well disposed toward the
French, hoping they may get some case by shifting
the saddle. They are so much the more active
now, because of the Rumors that the Fleet and
Forces with the Duke of Guise at Sea, were designed
for that Kingdom: But none knows yet
certainly what designe that Duke is imployed
in; nor whether he be landed yet upon any
In Flanders, the French Affairs are very forward
and thriving. The Marshal of Tureine
hath shifted Quarters from Casteau Cambresis to
Neufville, where he intends to stay til the fortifications
be quite finished at Quesnoy because
otherwise the Prince of Condes Forces (who are
not far distant) might give disturbance to that
work. That single garrison will take up 3000.
French for its defence, and will prove a shrewd
Curb to the Country. There are Forces likewise
set down before Cler[unr]ont, a place belonging
to Conde, where they are commanded by the
Marquis D. Uxelles. These designs of France
being carried on without Controll, men are apt
to think that Prince in a lesse considerable condition
than hath hitherto been represented.
The Cardinal de Retz hath for certain quitted
Spaine) where he was highly courted to stay by
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