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Mercurius politicus, Number 230, 2nd-9th November 1654 E.816[10]

Market, but is either burnt, or taken down to
save others from burning, besides many more in
other places either burnt or spoiled by pulling
down; and if any Back house be saved, it hath
been by pulling down the house fired next to the
street, in that part of the South side of the Cowgate.
While the Fire increased, great was the Terror
among the people; for, water was never so scarce
here. But that which gave more hope was, that
the wind was not great, and the little that was
did blow from the West, so that the Flames
tended towards the great space of the Meal-market.
The English Souldiers merited well for
their good will and activenes in pulling down
divers houses to keep the fire from spreading.
It were too tedious to be particular in the
losses susteined by divers through this lamentable
visitation, diverse families are quite beggar'd
by it. I pray God, it be not a Fore-runner of a
greater Judgment.
From Francfort on the Main October 30.
As concerning the Condon of the Protestants in Germanie,
peruse the following Letter.
They write from Marsovia that the Polish
forces, being compleat 24 thousand strong, intend
to march against one body of the Muscovites,
who is now near Poloskie and other parts in Lithmania
that a party being lately gone out against
the Muscovites, had taken some 60 prisoners,
among whom was a Kinsman of the great Duke,
with three high Officers. That the Cosacks with
their General was in Ukraine, their army consisting
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