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Mercurius politicus, Number 230, 2nd-9th November 1654 E.816[10]

of above thirty thousand men, and maketh
shew as if he would fight with the Polish Army.
The Earl Montecuculli is gone from Vienna
towards Antwerp, to visit the Queen Christian
of Sweden, who hath desired by her Letters that
she may have some conference with him, he
carryeth likewise Letters from their Imperial
Majesties to the said Queen, to invite her to come
to the Court; in the mean time great preparation
are made for the Coronation of the Empresse,
as also of the young Archduke Leopoldus
Ignatins to be crowned King of Bohemia at
Prague. The Turkish Ambassador is likewise
gone from Vienna to Buda. The two Commissioners
of Bremen who were at Hamborough
are all returned home: General Koningsmark
is very earnest for finishing the Treaty between
the Crown of Sweden and that City, who
would have had the Treaty to be in a place
neuter but the Swedes will not grant it, so that
[unr]will be ended at Staden. The new Queen of
Sweden is gone from Cottorf, and is landed at
Stockholm. The Princesse Dowager of Orange
is arrived at Berlin, the Electour of Brandenburgh
with many Nobles going out of the City
to meet her.
From Stebenburgen, Octob. 1. 1654.
Sir, during my abode lately in London, it hath
bin no small comfort and satisfaction to me, to
observe from time to time the godly zeal, and upright
love and faithfulness his Highness the Lord
Protector shews forth upon all occasion, in the
behalf of God and his people, apparently prefering
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