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Mercurius politicus, Number 230, 2nd-9th November 1654 E.816[10]

his own and others everlasting welfare and
salvation, before all other things, and chiefly designing
it in his most serious intendments: Our
great God, who hath already begun gloriously to
reward it, will doubtless doe it more and more
here, and eternally hereafter. And if that there
were but one more to be found amongst the Potentates
and Governors of Christendom, of the
like minde and disposition; But alass, there is
none, they all seek their own, and that but in
Temporals, being little acquainted with, and
therefore not regarding nor hoping for other. To
descend unto a particular case; The poor Bohemians
(from whom not withstanding in these later
ages, the light of the Gospel took its rise in Germany
by those precious Martyrs John Husse, and
Hierom of Prague) they have cause indeed to take
up more complaints against those of their own
Profession, the Protestants in Germany, then
against any other whatsoever. For, they were
those which laid the foundation of the Warr against
the Bohemians, to dispoil them of their freedom
of Conscience, and that in the year 1614.
3 years before those Councellors were thrown
out at the Windows, when namely Emperour
Matthias and Ferdinand the 2. appointed that meeting
at Bresden; for, there the War against the
Bohemian Hereticks, as they termed them, was resolved
on; the[unr]e the Officers for it were taken
on and engaged, and the Thirty pieces of silver were
promised, contrary to Oath, and accepted of,
contrary to all equity and conscience. From
thenceforth the Crucifie, Crucifie was heard, and
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