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Mercurius politicus, Number 233, 23rd-30th November 1654 E.818[9]

Killiwhinnin; Glengary is gon towards him, with
such Levies as he can get in his own Country; but
Mac Aldow can do nothing. They resolve so soon
as they have raised force enough (as they conceive)
to overpower the Garison of Inverloughee;
then they will quarter there until they force the
Clan Cameron to rise with them, or ruine them.
From Paris 25. Novemb. stilo novo.
There were 3 Brothers of the name of Rouchain,
belonging to the guards of Cardinal MaZarin, who
are sent to the Bastille by his Order, being accused
of having an intent of some attempt upon his
person, and also to have had conference with
one named Bondy, who was sent also the same day
into the same prison. This Bondy was a Captain
belonging to the Regiment of Madamoiselle,
daughter to the Duke of Orleans; who having
lost all abroad, ventured into this Town to put
himself in equipage.
You had an account in the last, how the Duke
of Gloucester was entertained in the Jesuits Colledg
in St James-street, and a pension by them
setled upon him: This hath bin done by the little
Queen, his Mother, being incited thereto by the
Jesui's, and other Papists, English and others, and
so the youth is deliver'd up into the Jesuites
hands, who have appointed him Tutors of their
own Society.
Here is a current Report, that the K. of Spain
hath given full power to the Q. of Sweden to mediate
a general peace, for which purpose it is bruted,
that the said Queen is to be at Court here
very shortly, and that she hath two persons incognito
near his Majesty.
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