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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

it not, supposing they will attempt to Land somwhere
The Letters from Italy inform us, That the Spanish
Ambassador not having had Audience of the
Pope, had used menacing speeches, as if his Master
would be revenged? insomuch that his Holiness
fearing som Invasion by the Spaniards upon
the Church dominions, had ordered the raising
of 4000 Foot, and 1500 Horse within the Ecclefiasticall
Dominions, to be commanded by the
Sieur de Montdevergne D'Avignon, to whom two
Lieut. Generals were assigned that are Italians.
The 4 instant here arived a Gourier from Italy
at this Court, who brought news of the death of
the Father of the Cardinal Mazarin at Rome, which
hath put al the Cardinals Family into mourning.
My last told you of Prince Thomas his Return
to Savoy, not so much to put on the supposed
marriage betwixt his Niece, the Duke of Savoys
sister, and our young King, as to use our Kings
name to procure Winter quarters for his Troops
in the Dukedom of Savoy, because the Provinces
of Provence & Dauphine are very much impovaished
by the quartering of Souldiers; But it;
thought the D: of Savoy will hardly yeeld to i[unr].
There is a Report here, That the Treaty between
France and the Lord Protector of England,
is made and concluded; and we are here in the
more hope of it, because the last Letters from
England say it was well advanced, and that there
is hope of a good Issue. The confirmation of this
would be welcome.
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