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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

The last Letters from Laon certifie. That Four
Officers of Regiments belonging to our Kings
Army, and who served this last Campagne under
Mirshall Turenne, but were cashiered upon the
Reducement, have since taken up Arms under
the Prince of Conde at Rocroy, where they informed
the Governer, that the King had cashiered
250 Colours of horse, and 6 Regimen's of Foot,
as you have formerly heard.
Its written from Picardie, that the Prince of
Conde had refused to receive any of those Contributions
from the Cities, Towns and Villages,
which they were wont to pay for freedome of
Trade, saying, That he would spare that, because
he intends to Winter his Forces among them.
From Warsovia in Poland November 12.
The Town of Smolensko, one of the best fortified
places in Europe, is at length surrendred to
the grand Duke of Moscovie, the Palatine of
that place being stricken with a panick fear, having
been made to believe by the Enemv, That
all Poland was lost, and this was the only Place
that held out and made resistance; whereupon
he was easily perswaded, seeing the great numbers
of men that environed him, making no less
than 5 or 6 Bodies, That the grand Duke was already
marched into Lithuinia. The Palatine has
made as honourable Terms as he could desire
but of his men no less than 5000 listed themselvs
immediatly under the Moscovite, and took an
Oath to be true to him.
The King of Poland continuing stil at Grodna,
by reason of indisposition of body, hath required
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