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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

the said Palatin to come to him, to give an
account of his proceedings, seeing the place was
provided of all necessaries for a years times; nor
was there any want of Powder, as was supposed.
Immediatly upon checking of this place, the
Moscovits caused the body of their Army to
march toward Dinenbourg, to make themselves
masters of that place, while their other Forces
in the mean time continue the sieges before Vitebsko
and Sklaw, which hold out Sill very well.
Nevertheless, the grand Duke is returning to
Moscow to pass the winter there, and take order
for some Levies that were made in his absence.
In the mean while, we have news, that Mehemet
Gherey grand Cham of Tartary, is arived
at Crimee, and that he hath prepared a Relief
for us of 40000 men, which we expert in these
parts, according to the League made with this
Country, they being to march under the Conduct
of Sultan Kasy Galga, brother of the grand
Cham. The same Letters assure us also, that
the Cham at his arrival, being complemented by
Ambussadors from Chmielnisky, he immediatly
taxed them of their Breach of Faith, in that the
Cossacks had taken part with the Moscovites
against Poland; and thereupon giving command
for cutting off their Noses aid Ears, sent them
back in this condition to their master, to give
him to understand, That he is resolved for ever
against any reconcilement with him.
The King of Poland hath sent the Sieur Morstain
into Sweden, to renew the Treaty that was
begun heretofore at Lubeck, for a perpetuall
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