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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

peace between the two Crowns of Poland and
Swedeland, his Majesty of Sweden having by his
Envoye residing in this Court, signified his inclination
From Vienna, November 16.
The Emperor being informed that the Turks
are preparing to make a new Inroad into Hungary
with very considerable Forces, and that they
had already surprised a place upon the Frontiers
He hath sent Order to all the Governors of that
Kingdom to reinforce their garisons, & put their
flying Army into a posture, to stop the incursions
of those Inside's assoon as they appear in the field.
Many fear that these hostilities may tend to an
open War; which hath caused the Estates of
Hungary so earnestly to Press for the assembling
of a Diet, to the end that they may advise about
some means to stop the course of the Enemy, and
to make choice of a new Palatine; by which alone
they hope to re-establish their affairs.
Last week, his Emperial Majesty gave a Treatment
to the Moscovie, Ambassadors, but as yet
they cannot get a dispatch; whereupon, they
murmure, and begin to complain, that they were
not received in the same pomp and state, as was
observ'd in the reception of the Polish Ambassador.
All the Electors have seut their Opinions
to the Emperor touching the busines of Bremen,
which no less troubles him than that of Hungary
by reason of the nearness of the Swedish Army.
From Hamburgh, November 21.
The Deputies of Sweden, and those of Bremen
that are met together at Stode, hold on their
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