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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

Conferences; but they have hitherto been taken
up only in examining their powers on both sides;
and in regard the powers of the Bremish Deputies
were not found in good form, they have sent
for other. In the mean time, that the Negotiations
may not be interrupted by any act of hostility,
a suspension of Arms was agreed on for a
month. The Princes and Neighbouring States
are so jealous touching the issue of this Treaty,
that they have put their Forces in a posture; among
whom the Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburgh
and the Landtgrave of Hesse-Cassell
have already raised 12000 men in defence of
their Territories. Moreover, the Du:of Deux.
Ponts having yeelded up his pretensions to the
Country of Juliers, his Nephew the K.of Sweden,
Its feared the Swedish Army will not quit
the Empire, till it hath constrained the Duke of
Newburgh, to give satisfaction to the Crown of
Sweden, and also to the Prince Elector Palatine.
From Colen, November 23.
The D: of Newburgh loseth no time in putting
his Army into a posture, being alarmed with a
Report that the Swedish Forces were marching
into the Bishoprick of Munster.
Our Elector hath refused to permit D: Frarcis
of Lorain to pass with his Forces through the
Country of Liege, which he had a Design to
quarter this Winter time near Utrecht, or els in
the Country of Juliers:
The Elector of Triers hath made the like Refusall
to the Prince of Conde.
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