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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

Viceroy be much alarumd upon the Landing caused two
Posts to be dispatched to presse the Marquess of Caracene
Governor of Milan to send him speedy relief, and commanded
all the Troops from Fundi, Sessa, and other places, to
draw up withall diligence to the said City of Naples, as well
to oppose the French as to keep the people under, who
never had a more favourable occasion to manifest their
just discontent. The 9 of this Moneth, the Pope caused
himself to be carried so the Consistory, but by reason he
is alwayes incommodated with a Flux, after some short
Audiences and the Proposition of four Churches only
among which was that of Bay eux for the Abbot of Servient
Brother of the superintendent of the Exchequer of France,
His holiness withdrew himself to bed, which he kept all the
next day. The same day the Prince Vincenzo Candidi
dominican, Master of the holy Palace who dyed the day
before was buried in the Church of Minerva. The 10:
At the instigation of the Spanish, in diverse places of this
City was stuck up a Prohibition of any Levies within the
Ecclesiastick state for any forrain Prince under any
pretence whatsoever, without an express permission from
the Commissary General for this State. Order was at the
same time sent to the Legats and Governor of Places belonging
to the Church, to take an account of all such as
were fit to bear arms, that they might be made use of if
occasion were. The 14 about 3 of the clock in the
morning dyed in his Palace of Montecavallo the Signior
Pietro Mazarini father of the Cardinal of that Name,
being about 78 years old having been sick of a Flux. The
same day he was buried in the Church of Saint Sylvester.
From Amsterdam December, 4.
The States of Holland which are assembled, have taken
a Resolution to Arm against Portugal, though the Towns
which aim only at a Freedom of Trade, will not consent to
it. It is resolved likewise by the States-Generall to send
Forces toward Maestricht, to reinforce that Garison, and
hinder the Forces of the prince of Conde and the Duke of
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