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Mercurius politicus, Number 235, 7th-14th December 1654 E.820[2]

Lorain from taking up their Wiuter-quatters in the Lands
belonging to this state.
From Paris December 12. stilo novo.
The 8 instant here were divers Coyners taken in the suburbs
of St German de Prez.
The grand Du: of Florence hath written to our King and
Queen, in favor of Cardinal de Retz. The Forces that took
Clermont for his Majesty, are to winter in Alsatia.
From la Charitè, a Town upon the River of Loire, its
written, That the Sienr Lazaro de Spinola, who was designed
Ambassador to the Lord Protector in England, from
the Republick of Genoa, was surprized by sickness in the
said Town; so that his journey is a while retarded.
They have newes at Court that the King of Poland hath
lost a battell, being beaten by the Moscovites, and that he
is slain by a shot; Others say, he was assassinated by one
of his own Nation; & that his brother Charls will be made
King in his place. Also, that prince Radzivil was slain, and
a great blow given to the Polander.
We had lately Reports here of a good conclusion of the
Treaty hetwixt France and England, but now a cross Rumor
flyes about, and saith it is at a stand. Here is much
sollicitude at Court about the Designs of the English fleet.
It is given out likewise, that there will be an Insurrection
against the Protector and Parlament. But it is believed by
few. The Count of Tott is come hither from the Queen
of Sweden, to give the King and Queen thanks for the visit
given her in the name of their Majesties. The Duke of
Gloucester, since he was taken out of the Jesuits Colledg, is
gone toward Colen to his brother Charls, without taking
any leave of the, queen his Mother, to whom Charls wrote
a Letter, desiring her to excuse the taking away his brother
in that manner; but she threw the Letter into the fire.
The landing of the D: of Guise at Castela Mare, within
15 miles of Naples is most certain. He first summoned the
Town; but the Governer refusing to yeeld, they immediately
fel to the assault; and having gained a Fort that overlooked
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