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Mercurius politicus, Number 247, 1st-8th March 1655 E.829[16]

Numb: 247
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria. {Horat. et.
Ar. Pode.
From Thursday March 1. to Thursday March 8. 1654
From Dalkeith, February 22.
HEre is little considerable, save that the Court-Martiall
have sate severall dayes for the Tryell
of those Officers who were acting against the
present Government. Major Brampston is cashiered
the Army. So is Lievtenant Bremen,
Lieutenant Rawson, Cornet Tombs, Quartermaster Barford,
Quarterm Gregory, and Quarterm. Waterigg, all of colonel
Howards Regiment. The Major is to give 600 l. Bond security
for his peaceable demeanor in the future, towards his
Highness and the present Government. The rest are to give
their Engagements under their hands. Mr Oats, Col. Prides
Chaplain, was yesterday before the Court-martiall; but there
being some additional Articles against him, he had time given
till Friday to put in his Answer.
The Lord Lorn has sent to Gen: Monck, to have a Pass for
some Commissioners to come and Treat in his behalf about
terms of Peace; which Pass is granted; but I hope he will not
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