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Mercurius politicus, Number 247, 1st-8th March 1655 E.829[16]

play the second Part of Middleton with us, though
wee fear neither, expecting at the worst from
them no more but a Predatory Thieving war.
From Paris, March 5. Stilo novo.
On Monday the King, with his brother the Duke
of Anion, and Monsieur the Cardinal, went a hunting
to St. German Enlaye; from thence they are to
goe to Chantilly, and afterward to Fontain Bleau,
where the whole Court is to meet him, and then
a Councill of warr will be held, how to order
Affairs for the next Campagne. From thence the
Cardinal goes alone to the waters of Bourbon, to
drinke them for his health, and during his
necessary stay there, his Majesty will not bouge a
foot from Fontain Bleau, but now and then step
and give a visit his Eminence.
On the last of February died the titular Duke of
Rohan, Chabot. Here hath been som talk, as if there
should be erected a Chamber of Edict (as they call
it) in this Parlament, wherein there shall be siting
a President and a Procurator Generall, of the
Protestant religion; & this, upon complaint made
to the King by the Deputy Generall of the
Reformed Churches that the Protestants cannot
have Justice done them, in any of the Parlements
or other inferior Courts.
A Resolution was taken here about the refining
of monies; but the Court of Monies went last
week to the Louure to the King, and remonstrated
to his Majesty the many Inconveniences that
would ensue there upon.
The news of the Count of Harcourts going to
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